Guard tower on Xi'an wall
The man himself!
much is under renovation for the olympics
walking in the forbidden city
ken's awesome crib at 12:30am
Hi from Beijing!
Well we completed the tour of the goose pagoda and Xi'an wall today and then finished it all off getting Lauren's passport at 5:30. It rained the whole time so it made the touring that much more difficult but it was all very interesting to see. We had lunch at this restuarant our guide goes to and it was fantastic food. We ate like champs and left way too much we couldn't finish. When the bill came they said ir was 160 RMB. So we were like well thats ok only abot 16 US per person. We started to put the money together and our guide stopped us and said no its 160 RMB for the whole thing! Way too cheap here to eat! So we finished and drove the 1 hour to the Xi'an airport. We had no issues checking in at all and it went smooth. area. The flight was a bit rough as Laurn did not sleep and was quite cranky so that made me a bit cranky to the French tourists in front of us but all went OK. We got to the hotel at 12:00am and checked in and went to bed. They did not give us a crib so we pushed 2 arm chairs together and made a nice little crib for Lauren. We have one now so its all good.
We got up this am and set out for tianamam square and the forbidden city. The square was much more crowded this time then last and I couldn't find anyone selling Chairman Mao watches yet so I will have to search a bit for them. October 1st is a week long holiday here so everyone is out touring. It celebrates thier independance. The kids were great but tired so Lauren is sleeping now and Lia is playing in the living room. The hotel is awesome! Big rooms and very nice.
We are going to get some food now and clean up a bit before venturing out again. The air here is much better then 2.5 yrs ago. It doesnt seem any different then Toronto now. I will put some pics up and sign off. Thanks!
Hi Gang!
What a joyful way to wake up and sip my coffee. The photo of Susan and Lauren says it all! This has been an amazing journey for us all to enjoy along with you.
Thanks so much for sharing all the photos and updates. Best wishes for a smooth and safe trip home and the beginning of a new family journey.
(Hope this message comes through - my previous one a few days ago didn't. Must have gotten lost in cyberspace!)
Much love,
Avon & Joe
Wow-love what Avon and Joe said--and I echo it. I must be an emotional sap because tears just flow as photos of Lauren and Susan appear. It is great to see all photo's of your touring as well. The Worsley family was well thought of last night at the BB Autumn Moon gathering. Can hardly wait to meet Lauren. Cheers-Louise and Olivia
My eyes have welled up at the sight of Sue and Lauren. Mom and her 2md angel.
So happy for you!
Enjoy your last week in China, this time next week you will already on your way home.
Love Di, Steve, Carlie and Erin
First off, have to take care of a little business
John S. this is for you (and I did warn you last evening you were in for it)
Info-mercial on remote retrieval? Sarah, please get on the computer, right beside John, now smack him hard on the shoulder for me! Info-merical indeed.
Worsley's, am loving the adventures. Ken, your descriptions make me laugh and the photos are making me cry. My favourite vote goes for the Susan & Lauren pose. Truly awesome.
Looking forward to lots more fun.
Steph & Family (who finally got to see the full moon after many cloudy, rainy nights)
Hi Delores:
Looks like you are getting to see lots of wonderful places, so glad to hear Ken and Sue's family has not only doubled in size, but in love also, both girls are soooo cute!
Weather this weekend is terrific, we did "For Sale" tour between here and Port Elgin on Friday with dad, lots of nice properties, but we are still window shopping only.
Can you confirm your arrival time, nothing is showing on Air Canada yet (can only check up to Sept. 30). We're trying to decide if I should leave the truck here for Donny or if I should take it home to bring you back up, depends on the time, so please try to let us know before our Sunday at noon, thanks and take care.
With all our Love, Bob, Rudy, Rufus, Don and Maureen
Happy Birthday Ken. Here's hoping you have a good day Sunday. Enjoying all the pictures you have on the blog, especially the one of Sue & Lauren and then the one of Ken, Lia & Lauren on the bed watching Dora. Looking forward to meeting you next Sat early evening.
Dad & Jean
Hi there....Sue, the picture of you and Lauren is priceless - definitely for keeps!!!! Ken - Happy Birthday!!!! Have a great day.
Hello Ken - Happy Birthday
I am sure enjoying all the pictures and comments. Our family is so blessed - Love - Aunt Cheryl.
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