Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Medical Day

Heart- OK
Head measurement = BIG BRAIN!

Big Toy helped us out

Childrens waiting room


All is Ok with her!

Hi everyone! (It's Sue again...)

This morning we were off to the SOS Medical Centre for Lauren's physical. The goods news is the doctor was great (compared to Lia's physical). He was actually thorough and personable. Everything went well. Her confirmed her palate is not bad at all and gave her a clean bill of health. He was a kind man and she did not seem to have too much fear of doctors. I actually expected her to react differently as I assumed the last time she saw a doctor would have been for surgery and who knows what memory that holds for her. I am happy to report things went really well for all three kids. (Has Ken mentioned we are in Beijing with two other families? The Wrays with three kids and a grandma in tow and the Hertz's with two kids and a grandma in tow. We all brought grandma's along to help!)

Last night we went to see the acrobatic show and it was truly a highlight. Lia was mesmerized for the entire hour. Even Lauren's interest was maintained for the majority. What those people can do with their bodies was awesome. No one should be that flexible. We all loved it.

It's nap time for Lauren right now and Ken and Lia are watching a bit of tv. Afternoons are quiet time where we can all regain a bit of energy and refuel. Things continue to go really well. We have our low moments and I think we are all about ready to come home now but overall, there are more highlights than lows. Lauren is adjusting really well. Communicating with her is not as big a challenge as I anticipated. She was exposed to a substantial amount of English and even knows a few of our traditional children's songs. She sings the ABC's along with me, Old MacDonald is popular and even Happy Birthday has been sung a time or two. She mimics us in both word an action. Every morning she says "good morning" after we greet her with the same, thank you, garbage (Sue T - that one is here for you!) and many more. I don't doubt there will be many challenges ahead but I am very pleased with her progress. She appears to us like a very healthy, normal two year old little girl.
Dinner time is not fun. The restaurant experience frankly sucks with Lauren. Poor Ken can barely get his food in as he is too busy trying to keep her corralled. She is one active little girl and when she wants something everyone knows. Lia is living off of hard boiled eggs, yogurt and dried fruit. We have resigned ourselves to a whole lot of room service as it is just easier at this point. It's too bad as the food was a huge part of our experience the first time here. Luckily, the grandmas are not holding back and are out there exploring on their own every opportunity they get. Again - they were the smartest thing we brought with us. They have really helped us in so many ways.

Tomorrow is the Summer Palace and a drive by of the Olympic "bird's nest". We are really looking forward to that. Trust all is well at home and I've never meant it more when I say - I really look forward to seeing you all very soon.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Worsley Family of 4 + 2 Grandmas
Check, medical done.
Wait for passport and soon to be home.
And we can't wait to meet Lauren!
Take lots of pics of the Olympic site. Hopefully the Summer Palace won't all be under construction like the Forbidden City.
Keep shopping. Hopefully, at least one suitcase if filled with shoes.
You're coming home to an unseasonal heat wave. Safe travels. My mom has really enjoyed your blog too.
Lots of hugs,
(who is really not a control freak, really and I take such offence to the previous comment I'm really crushed.)

Anonymous said...

Love that English vocabulary - "garbage" eh? - bet she'll be talking up a storm in no time, just like our Lia.
Have fun at the summer palace - it was our favourite spot for a family outing - if the weather is good, enjoy the great outdoors - we felt close to nature there and far from the big city, even though we were still in the midst of it.
This weekend is a great time to be coming home - Thanksgiving, Oktoberfest, beautiful weather - better get over that jet lag quickly.

Sue T

PS You'll only have missed two Mandarin classes - this weekend's is cancelled because of Thanksgiving. And none of us are retaining anything we've learned anyway so it'll be a level playing field.

PPS Did I say "control freak" - no, I think I said "loves to be in charge" - hmmm........ funny that she should misinterpret.......

Anonymous said...

AWESOME, AWESOME BLOG!!! It is soooo good to hear that all is going well. Lauren is a doll. Safe travel home.....hugs from the Howe family.

Anonymous said...

The more pics I see of that kid the more gorgeous she is. That's what love will do for you, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys
Great to hear the medical went well! It's been excellent following along...brings back great memories! Looking forward to seeing you and meeting Lauren. Happy Thanksgiving! Sara says hi to Lia!

Ron, Susan & Sara

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated B-day Ken. I bet the girls will be excited to sing Happy B-day again for Sue when you are home. And it won't be long after that that you will be singing for Lauren!! It is wonderful to hear all your stories and to hear how well Lia and Lauren are getting along. They will be great sisters, I'm sure.
I listen to your tales and think I am getting the travel bug. Who knows, maybe I will travel to China one day too. I can't believe you are doing it all with 2 little girls though. You are brave! I am glad that the Grandmas have been there to help and I am sure this has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience for them as well.
I hope to come visit you when you are home and settled. Seeing all your photos reminds me of how much I miss you.


p.s. SOOO jealous of your shopping. You must be seeing some amazing treasures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ken and Sue,
I just want to let you know that I too have been admiring your lovely family and that little girl. We admire you so much and miss you.

Ev said...

Hi to all! I am so excited for ou reading through your adventure! I can't imagine the experience you are having! It is so heartwarming though to see how well everything (other than the eating) is going!

I am thrilled for you! Lauren is such a beauty and sounds like she is just fitting in...but how could she not with the warmth from your family!

Enjoy the rest of your time there and have a safe trip back!

I look forward to meeting Lauren! Ev D